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We are excited to continue the BDC Student Ambassador Program for the 2024/2025 Dance Season. BDC Ambassador's are dancers who fully embody the values of Bravo Dance Co. and are role models in and out of the studio. 

BDC SAs will be involved in all studio and team events and will receive special perks.  

The Student Ambassador Program at BDC is for students ages 11 and up, who have a strong desire to assist with the studio and embody what BDC is all about. Duties for ambassadors include but are not limited to: assisting in classes, being a part of studio photoshoots, gracing our social media platforms, sharing your love of dance and helping at various studio events, attending studio team events, volunteering alongside the educator team at BDC, etc.


This is an opportunity we expect dancers to take seriously and dancers should be contacting Miss Nicole with any questions and concerns.



The following are the requirements of being a BDC Ambassador:

- attend assigned classes. If you will be missing your class you must make sure the instructor is aware

- be a leader amongst your peers and the younger dancers

- participate in as many studio-community initiatives as possible throughout the year

- be positive, sunshiny, and a true BDC'er in and out of the studio!



The following are perks of being a BDC Ambassador:

- first access to student assistant teacher opportunities

- a one time 50% discount in the Presence by BDC store.

- Exclusive BDC gear

- features on social media and

- the skills and qualities gained with the added responsibility and role that are transferable to all areas of your lives!


Any dancers interested must complete an application and submit it no later than September 1st, 2024.

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